Topic: fargate
AWS CDK: Deploy Fargate service with EventBridge, CodePipeline, and ECR
Amazon Fargate is great for running containers without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. Using AWS Code Pipeline, you can update your running Fargate service whenever you push a new container version to the Amazon Container Registry.
AWS CDK: Route 53 DNS Failover with Fargate on ECS and CloudFront
Based on running a serverless container with Fargate, we want to add automated DNS failover handling with Route 53. Whenever the health check for the Fargate service on Amazon ECS fails, the DNS records point to a static website on Amazon S3; served with CloudFront.
AWS CDK: Serverless Container with Fargate
With AWS, there are many ways to get something done; finding the perfect solution is one of the challenges. A simple task, like deploying a container, can be done in many ways; this guide will show you how to deploy an application in a Docker container using AWS Fargate and AWS Cloud Development Kit.