Moin! 🖖 My name is Sebastian.
I’m a Serverless Expert and GraphQL Specialist, Photographer, AI Artist, and AWS Serverless Hero. Working as Platform Engineering Lead for myneva Group GmbH, I do Serious Cloud Computing based in Hamburg, Germany.
AWS CDK: Serverless WebService Blueprints
The past days have been full of content about serverless workloads with AWS AppSync, Amazon Cognito, and AWS Fargate. This guide wraps up all scenarios and is your starting point if you want to build modern serverless applications with AWS using the Cloud Development Kit (CDK).
AWS CDK: AppSync Events API with Cognito for WebSockets and React
The Amazon AppSync Events API was recently announced and is a new feature to use a WebSocket API for real-time communication. Based on the Amazon Cognito User Pool with Managed Login and guide for GraphQL Data API in Amazon AppSync, this guide shows you how to add real-time communication to your React application using WebSockets and the Amazon AppSync Events API with Amazon Cognito.
AWS CDK: AppSync GraphQL API with Cognito and Apollo Client in React
The Amazon Cognito User Pool with Managed Login is a great baseline to start a new project. This guide adds an AWS AppSync GraphQL Data API to the project and shows you how to use the Amazon Cognito Access Token to authenticate against the GraphQL API using the Apollo Client in React.
AWS CDK: Cognito Managed Login with Custom Domain
Just before AWS re:Invent 2024, Amazon Cognito released a new feature called Managed Login. Using this, Amazon Cognito will provide the fully-managed, hosted sign-in and sign-up experience for your users. This guide will show you how to configure an Amazon Cognito User Pool with a custom domain and Managed Login; all done with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).
Cursor: Rules for AI Code Editor
The Cursor AI Code Editor is my default editor these days for writing code. As with other code companions, Cursor offers a chat-like interface to interact with your codebase and their AI services. More important, Cursor supports project-specific customizations; using a file in your project root.
AWS CDK: Deploy Fargate service with EventBridge, CodePipeline, and ECR
Amazon Fargate is great for running containers without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. Using AWS Code Pipeline, you can update your running Fargate service whenever you push a new container version to the Amazon Container Registry.
AWS CDK: Route 53 DNS Failover with Fargate on ECS and CloudFront
Based on running a serverless container with Fargate, we want to add automated DNS failover handling with Route 53. Whenever the health check for the Fargate service on Amazon ECS fails, the DNS records point to a static website on Amazon S3; served with CloudFront.
AWS CDK: Serverless Container with Fargate
With AWS, there are many ways to get something done; finding the perfect solution is one of the challenges. A simple task, like deploying a container, can be done in many ways; this guide will show you how to deploy an application in a Docker container using AWS Fargate and AWS Cloud Development Kit.
Thoughts: Engineering Principles
There are several great frameworks that help set standards for good engineering work. My go-to references are the principles of Lean Manufacturing, Manifesto for Agile Software Development, Bauhaus Principles, and Amazon Leadership Principles. And of course, The Frugal Architect.
AWS: Serverless Extended Validation (EV) Code-Signing with KMS
The AWS Key Management System can manage FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant private keys for Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificates. Using AWS KMS and AWS Fargate for Amazon ECS, you can build a serverless Code Signing Service for Microsoft Windows binary files.
AWS: Identify Language in Audio Files with Amazon Transcribe
I am a huge fan of Computer Interfaces; especially non-textual ones. Spoken words can be a powerful interface to digital services; Amazon Web Services has various services and products available that work with audio. To identify language in spoken words and extract textual information, you can use Amazon Transcribe and analize audio files.
bunq API: Callback Integration with Amazon EventBridge
The weekend was nice; I had some fun using the bunq API and configure webhooks for account activities and explained how to use Amazon EventBridge Pipes to process and transform messages from SQS. Now, it’s time to combine both and get bunq events to Amazon EventBridge!
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