AWS Lambda Container Image Support example for Node.js

December 1st, 2020 305 Words

During Re:Invent 2020, AWS announced Container Image Support for AWS Lambda functions using the AWS Elastic Container Registry. Personally, I think this is a great feature. With supporting docker images, AWS Lambda has immutable deployment artifacts!

tl;dr: aws-lambda-docker-node on GitHub

Event-Driven Delivery

I build a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment setup for AWS Lambda functions with docker images using GitHub Actions. Together with Semantic Releases and Conventional Commits, you can focus on writing your code. Automation takes care everything else, the release cycle consists of three events:

The abstract concept is detailed in Event-Driven Delivery.


The general setup for AWS Lambda, Docker images, and CloudFormation is not that complext; a typical Dockerfile for Node.js can look like this:

FROM amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:12

ARG FUNCTION_DIR="/var/task"
RUN mkdir -p ${FUNCTION_DIR}

COPY package.json ${FUNCTION_DIR}

RUN npm install

CMD [ "src/" ]

After building and tagging an images using the docker CLI, you need to push the image to a container registry, like AWS Elastic Container Registry.


To create a new AWS Lambda function with CloudFormation, you can simply reference the pushed image:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

    Type: String
    Type: String

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      ImageUri: !Sub ${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.${AWS::Region}${ImageName}:${ImageTag}
      PackageType: Image

The example project aws-lambda-docker-node on GitHub combines all resources and actions to build a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment setup.

View on GitHub Source code is published using the MIT License.