Topic: appsync
AWS CDK: Serverless WebService Blueprints
The past days have been full of content about serverless workloads with AWS AppSync, Amazon Cognito, and AWS Fargate. This guide wraps up all scenarios and is your starting point if you want to build modern serverless applications with AWS using the Cloud Development Kit (CDK).
AWS CDK: AppSync Events API with Cognito for WebSockets and React
The Amazon AppSync Events API was recently announced and is a new feature to use a WebSocket API for real-time communication. Based on the Amazon Cognito User Pool with Managed Login and guide for GraphQL Data API in Amazon AppSync, this guide shows you how to add real-time communication to your React application using WebSockets and the Amazon AppSync Events API with Amazon Cognito.
AWS CDK: AppSync GraphQL API with Cognito and Apollo Client in React
The Amazon Cognito User Pool with Managed Login is a great baseline to start a new project. This guide adds an AWS AppSync GraphQL Data API to the project and shows you how to use the Amazon Cognito Access Token to authenticate against the GraphQL API using the Apollo Client in React.
AWS CDK: AppSync GraphQL API for Amazon Bedrock
Based on invoking Amazon Bedrock with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway, you can adapt the AWS Cloud Development Kit example code to use AWS AppSync and GraphQL for accessing Amazon Bedrock.
AppSync GraphQL API with Custom Domain and CloudFormation
With AWS AppSync, it’s easy to run your own serverless GraphQL service API. Thanks to Velocity Mapping Templates, DynamoDB, and AWS Lambda your can aim for an architecture without any maintenance at all.
Serverless GraphQL with AWS AppSync and Lambda
Let me be honest with you: GraphQL is the shit! Once you use GraphQL, you will never want to use anything else again. The same is true for a working and maintainable serverless FaaS infrastructure. Combine both technologies to run a genuinely serverless GraphQL API using AWS AppSync and Lambda resolvers.
AWS AppSync GraphQL API using CloudFormation
Amazon recently announced CloudFormation support for AppSync and all its features. Together with the Serverless Application Model it’s now dead simple to deploy a GraphQL API and custom Lambda resolvers without using the API at all. The GraphQL RSS Proxy example project is a serverless GraphQL API using AppSync, with an AWS Lambda function as a custom Query Resolver writting in Go.
AWS AppSync GraphQL API with Golang Lambda source
GraphQL has been a buzzword for a while now. I immediately fell in love with it when GitHub announced a public GraphQL API. A few weeks ago AWS introduced AppSync, a serverless GraphQL with support for custom data sources using AWS Lambda. Together with the recently introduced Go support for AWS Lambda, this is just awesome!