With the content on 68Keys.io, you can build your own custom 68% Mechanical Keyboard! Sounds great, right? You will find all information about the needed Circuit Board, Aluminium Case, and modified TMK firmware on the project’s site.
With the detailed shopping list, you can start ordering parts and dive into building your mechanical keyboard right away. Have fun!
If you are ready to build your own customizable 68% Mechanical Keyboard, head over to 68Keys.io!
Let me be honest with you: GraphQL is the shit! Once you use GraphQL, you will never want to use anything else again. The same is true for a working and maintainable serverless FaaS infrastructure. Combine both technologies to run a genuinely serverless GraphQL API using AWS AppSync and Lambda resolvers.
Amazon recently announced CloudFormation support for AppSync and all its features. Together with the Serverless Application Model it’s now dead simple to deploy a GraphQL API and custom Lambda resolvers without using the API at all. The GraphQL RSS Proxy example project is a serverless GraphQL API using AppSync, with an AWS Lambda function as a custom Query Resolver writting in Go.
Do you use GitHub to manage your software projects and Slack for communication? With GitHub Webhooks and a simple AWS Lambda function, you can notify Slack channels about new releases of your projects.